


朱石麟在北京真光戲院對面上班時,因常往看戲而迷上電影。1922年,考入真光戲院兼職任編輯及翻譯。1923年,正式加入羅明佑的華北電影公司任編譯部主任。1926年,因患病致使胯關節僵硬,終身不能彎腰,但他臥病時仍編寫劇本。1930年首次執導,在真光戲院天台拍攝了短片《自殺合同》(1930 )。同年,到上海加盟羅明佑主持的聯華影業公司,任編譯部主任兼代經理,期間仍不斷撰寫劇本。從《歸來》(1934)開始當導演,其編導作品《慈母曲》(1936)被稱為中國電影經典之作。1946年來香港,後被永華電影製片廠有限公司招攬,執導《清宮秘史》(1948)。永華財困後,朱石麟轉投好友費穆的龍馬影片公司,拍攝了《誤佳期》(1951)、《一板之隔》(1952)等佳作。1954年,朱石麟改組龍馬,併入鳳凰影業公司。朱任藝術委員會主席,培養編導人才,也拍攝不少影片,如《夫妻經》(1958)、《故園春夢》(1964)等。他的編導作品逾百部,大多是體恤時代的文藝片。

Mr Zhu Shi Lin



Film director Zhu Shi Lin fell in love with cinema at a young age as his workplace in Beijing was situated opposite the True Light Theatre, which he frequented. In 1922, the theatre hired him as a part-time editor and translator. A year later, Zhu joined Lo Ming Yau’s North China Amusement Company as head of the translation department. However, he was soon struck by an illness that led to stiffness of the hip joint and the inability to bend from the waist for the rest of his life. During his convalescence, Zhu wrote scripts and, in 1930, shortly after he was able to walk again, he shot his first film on the rooftop of True Light Theatre. It was a short titled Suicide Contract (1930). That same year, he went to Shanghai to work as a writer and manager at Lo Ming Yau’s United Photoplay while continuing with his scriptwriting. Four years later, Zhu made his directorial debut with Coming Home (1934), after which he wrote and directed the Chinese cinema classic Song of a Kind Mother (1936). Zhu came to Hong Kong in 1946 where he helmed Sorrows of the Forbidden City (1948) for Yung Hwa Motion Pictures. When Yung Hwa became plagued by financial troubles, Zhu founded Loon-Ma Film Company with friend Fei Mu, and the studio went on to make Should They Marry? (1951), The Dividing Wall (1952) and various other titles. In 1954, Zhu merged Loon-Ma with Feng Huang Motion Picture Company. Heading the artistic committee of Feng Huang, he continued to direct and write while also training young talents in these skills. Some of his signature works for Feng Huang include Between Husband and Wife (1958) and Garden of Repose (1964).